Vision Loss: Why You Need To See An Optometrist Right Away

Posted on: 28 April 2021

Vision loss is a natural sign of aging, with many adults experiencing vision loss or a change of vision to some degree as they age. Most people will experience advanced vision loss with age, especially if they already wear corrective lenses to see.

If vision loss is a normal sign of aging, much like joint pain or muscle loss is part of aging, why would you need to see an optometrist for vision loss treatment as you age? Here is a guide to help you understand more about vision issues and when you need to see an optometrist right away. Regardless of your age and vision needs, you should see the eye doctor regularly for vision care.

You may have medical causes of your vision loss

If you have vision loss in just one eye, your vision issues are accompanied by headaches, dizziness, fatigue, or other issues, or you have a new medical condition like diabetes and your vision is suddenly changing, you need to see your optometrist as soon as you can. Vision loss related to another medical condition can be serious and can be hard to reverse once it's started.

For example, high blood pressure can cause strain on your eyes' blood vessels. Autoimmune diseases like diabetes or lupus can cause issues with vision. Even allergies — such as seasonal or ongoing allergies — can cause you to have vision loss due to infection, irritation, or swelling. See your optometrist to see what vision loss treatment options can assist you.

You may have eye-related issues behind your vision loss

Glaucoma and cataracts are common vision issues that people can get with time and age. Both these issues of the eye can cause blurry vision or total loss of vision, and both are treatable. It's best to get treatment right away if you suspect you have vision loss and either of these eye diseases run in your family or you have a history of eye issues. Vision loss treatment can include surgery, medication, or simple monitoring. The only way to take control of any vision loss you have is to consult with your optometrist.

Your optometrist will examine your eyes and go over your medical history to see what may be causing your vision loss once they have identified that vision loss is an issue. Your vision loss treatment will then be customized to meet your needs best and can help you maintain the vision you have now or even improve it. If you have vision loss, visit a doctor. 


Remember to Have Your Glasses Adjusted if You Lose Weight

Like most people today, I am on a tight budget. However, I spend the money for good-quality eyeglasses over cheaper ones, because they are something I wear every day. Just after I purchased my last pair of eyeglasses, I began a diet. I ended up losing 50 pounds over the next year! I lost weight from my face, so my glasses became a bit loose. I didn't want to replace them right away, as I loved the pair I had just spent a lot of money on. One day, they slid off my face and I decided that I had to do something about them. I was ecstatic when my optometrist said I did not have to purchase a full new pair of glasses, but that my current ones could be refitted for just a few dollars! I created this blog to share my experience and other tips! Enjoy!