Examining The Prevailing Myths About Glaucoma

Posted on: 20 October 2020

Glaucoma is an eye disease that is related to excess fluid buildup that affects the optic nerve. Unfortunately, the condition can lead to permanent vision changes and loss of vision in some cases. Talking to your eye doctor about glaucoma is always recommended, but many myths are also associated with the condition. Here is a look at some of those myths and the actual facts you need to know. 

Myth: Glaucoma is only a condition that affects older adults. 

Glaucoma is more likely to be diagnosed in older adults. However, the condition can also be diagnosed in younger adults, especially when they are predisposed to the condition due to certain risk factors. Some babies are even born with glaucoma, so pretty much anyone from any age group could be diagnosed no matter their age. 

Myth: You can't get glaucoma if you are caucasian. 

People of all races can receive a glaucoma diagnosis, even though the eye disease is more common among people who are of certain nationalities or ethnicities. For example, African Americans are something like three to four percent more likely to develop glaucoma than someone who is Caucasian. Just the same, all individuals should know the risk factors for themselves personally, such as age, family history, and being a smoker. If you realize you are at risk, it is best to have a glaucoma screening at your eye doctor on a regular basis. 

Myth: Glaucoma always leads to blindness. 

Glaucoma is considered to be an underlying cause of some blindness. However, glaucoma does not always lead to complete blindness. Each individual's situation can be unique. Some patients do see permanent vision loss once the disease has progressed to a certain extent, but some have milder cases that do not progress so quickly and do not lead to blindness. Only about five percent of glaucoma cases result in blindness. 

Myth: You can't really do anything to treat glaucoma. 

It is true that glaucoma is not a curable eye disease, but treatments do exist that can help slow the progression of the disease. For example, many patients are initially prescribed medicinal eye drops that may help keep eye pressure at a minimum and eliminate excess fluid. When done properly under the supervision of an eye doctor, these methods can be highly effective at slowing the progression of glaucoma. Surgical options are also available for some patients who may not see slowed progression with the use of medications alone. 

For more information, contact an eye doctor in your area.


Remember to Have Your Glasses Adjusted if You Lose Weight

Like most people today, I am on a tight budget. However, I spend the money for good-quality eyeglasses over cheaper ones, because they are something I wear every day. Just after I purchased my last pair of eyeglasses, I began a diet. I ended up losing 50 pounds over the next year! I lost weight from my face, so my glasses became a bit loose. I didn't want to replace them right away, as I loved the pair I had just spent a lot of money on. One day, they slid off my face and I decided that I had to do something about them. I was ecstatic when my optometrist said I did not have to purchase a full new pair of glasses, but that my current ones could be refitted for just a few dollars! I created this blog to share my experience and other tips! Enjoy!